2013 has started which means one thing, a new country to conquer with my camera and a few duffle bags. Ecuador, the Amazon, and the Galapagos Islands last summer, Zambia this summer. A whole new experience is about to commence with an internship with Family Legacy.
Today I finally arrived in Lusaka after a grueling 10 hour flight to London with a screaming baby next to me. Next came my 9 hour layover in Heathrow, which consisted of me eating, sitting, and walking around all by lonesome. After my layover came my last and final journey down to my beloved Zambia. The second I walked off the plane and my feet hit Zambian soil, I knew I was home.
We were all thrown right into the mix by fitting three houses at the Tree of Life with new clothes (Sunday clothes, play clothes, a jacket, socks, and some new undies). This might sound simple but let me tell you, this was no easy feat. The teenage girls and boys were just as picky as American teenagers are when it comes to what they want to wear. This process ended with some of us summer staffers modeling the clothes for them hoping they would FINALLY make a decision. After two and a half hours we headed home to Chamba Valley Exotic Hotel (whatever image you are thinking of delete it, this is not your usual hotel) where a delicious 4th of July cookout was awaiting us. The boy summer staffers set off fireworks for the little Americans to enjoy and it wasn't too shabby of a fireworks display. The Zambians living in the surrounding areas are probably cursing us for the loud bangs and shrieks that were emitted in all of our holiday fun.
With the smell of fireworks still in the air, I walked back to my room that I have all to myself (pretty lonely if you ask me). Tomorrow begins my true adventure here in Zambia and all the wonders the Lord has in store for me.